Sunday, 11 March 2012

Media Event - Friday 10th Feb

We are now planning and organising this Media Event. First up, we had to chose a leader!! 

What does a leader need to be and what other leaders could we think of?
·      Hitler
·      Mussolini
·      Sadam Hosein
·      The Queen
·      Jesus
·      Alan Sugar
·      Moses
·      Margaret Thatcher
·      Peter Hall – started the national theatre
·      Bob Geldof
·      Bernie Ecclestone

-       Motivation
-       Guts
-       Decisive
-       Charisma?
-       Inner confidence
-       Be prepared to not be liked or popular
-       Pro-active

An anonymous class vote was taken and was narrowed down to Joe Farr and myself. We then had another vote and Joe Farr was chosen as the leader. He made me his vice, and we now all had to come up with what to do on the day! 

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