Tuesday, 17 April 2012

DAY TWO - The Naturals

So for my second day working with The Natural Theatre Company my job was to design a flyer for the NEETs (not in employment, education or training) courses that are going to be on offer. I had already talked though with Mark the key things that needed to be featured, for example, contact details, website, what skills can be gained etc, and that it should be a double sided postcard size. So I went away and came up with a couple different designs to choose from. Both Mark and I agreed on which one was the best (below).

(Above - Front
Below - Back)

The changes I am going to make are to the font, as in some parts it is unclear which letter is used. I am also going to be changing the 'gain skills such as' to make it sound more friendly and chatty. Also, a phone number needs to be added and possibly the Facebook and Twitter sites as well.

My second day working for the Natural Theatre Company was again very enjoyable as I got to focus on making this flyer. At the end of the day we discussed what tomorrow will bring:
- Making the necessary changes to this flyer
- Starting to design the Summer Schools poster

I look forward to it!

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